Thine Eyes on God's Word

Scripture Reading - Proverbs 4:21 KJV

Let them not depart from thine eyes; keep them in the midst of thine heart.

Today’s lesson will discuss the phrase “Let God’s Word not depart from thine eyes”. Another way of saying the same thing is “Don’t let God’s Word depart from your eyes.” Why, do you think that King Solomon would write this commandment to the children of Israel? We (ihlcc) believe the answer is twofold: The first fold being that your eyes don’t typically see God either spiritually or natural so seeing God’s Word is the best representation we have of God until we get to Heaven and can see Him face to face. Therefore, when the statement commands to not let God’s Word get out of our sight the writer is generally saying don’t let God get out of your sight. We need God in all of our thoughts so we must be diligent to keep His Holy Word before our face. For it is a dark dark world without the Light of God’s Love shining in. The second fold is God’s Word is our defense and offense against the evil one. Yes, there is awesome wonder working power inside of God’s Word so keeping our eyes upon the Word of God keeps us in the right frame of mind when dealing with symptoms of lack, sickness, fear, death or any work of darkness. It seems to be one of the hardest things for the natural man to do which is to speak what they desire when contradictory circumstances are all around them. Yes, to claim God’s healing in the midst of sickness and disease requires faith in God and the strength and patience of God to endure unto the end. We also notice that non-believers don’t even think they can have what they say, so keeping God’s Word in front of their eyes is just not possible. Remember Hebrews 11:6 KJV which states: “But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.” You did notice the words “diligently seek Him” in the verse to remind us that we must stay after it. We can’t afford to believe in God’s Word for three days but doubt God’s Word after four days. No, we must keep God’s Word before our eyes by reading it constantly. Yes, every day we should look upon God’s Word to solidify our beliefs. There is so much going on in the natural world that glorifies the natural man and man’s wisdom but it is usually contrary to God’s Word so we must look into our Holy Bible to keep the proper perspective concerning all people, all places and all things. God’s Word is life to our spirit, soul and body so keeping God’s Word before us helps us overcome the challenges for that day. It is required to get God’s Word inside of your heart to let the inner man grow and be strong. This inner strength will for sure sharpen your mind and it will also comfort your mind in times of sadness and discouragement. Yes, you need to “keep God’s Word before your very eyes” because whatever verses you are standing upon for your victory is God speaking directly to you. Yes, the Word of God is the same yesterday, today and forever so it is good to visually see God’s Word to assure yourself that God hasn’t changed His Mind, nor has God’s Will concerning your blessing and wellbeing. Remember Hebrews 13:8 KJV which states, “Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.” We must know these truths and the primary way we get to know them in our heart, is by seeing them repeatedly through the study of God’s Word. It is no secret that those who don’t know the Holy Awesome Word of God can’t have confidence when wrestling with the devil. Generally, speaking this lack of knowledge hurts the believer because they are not familiar with God’s Word and the devil takes full advantage of their ignorance. Remember Hosea 4:6a KJV which states, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: . . .” If we are facing an enemy who knows more about how words work then we do we are at an extreme disadvantage. However, if we can look upon God’s Word every day (and when necessary several times during a day) we can keep our fight foundation on the Powerful Word of God to defeat the enemy in open mouth combat. Yes, we (ihlcc) said open mouth combat because you must see God’s Word in the Holy Bible but you also must believe God’s Word in your heart then you must release that same Word of God you believe in your heart out of your mouth to have God’s Word actively working in your life. So take heed to look for God in His Holy Written Word and when you find a promise or answer that blesses your soul “keep your eyes on it”. Yes, you must be willing to stand upon God’s Word forever because God’s Word is not just for earth but also in Heaven will we live by and be governed by God’s Word. So keep God’s Word in the midst of you and “don’t let it (Him, for Jesus is the Word of God) depart from thine eyes” because by keeping your focus on God’s Word you are keeping your mind renewed which keeps your heart focused on God. We believe keeping the battle on God’s Word keeps the fight in God’s court and that, our faith friends, guarantees the victory in Christ Jesus our Lord. Remember 1 John 5:3-4 KJV which states, “For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not grievous. For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith.” Amen!